Midnight Sun Stephenie Meyer Pdf Torrent Average ratng: 4,1/5 1268 votes

This is not author 'bashing' -- but I don't agree with that assessment. She was interviewing before BD was released. So the critique of the work is fair game in light of the negative literary reviews (not fan reviews - the mainstream reviews). She's answered by suggesting she wrote the book for herself and was trying to hold on to an early concept she developed before New Moon and Eclipse.

In a sense, she didn't want to kill her 'darling' which is to say she wrote the book centered around Edward and Bella having a baby. As a result - and because she didn't hold to her original canon (whether she wrote the NM and E voluntarily - or with a lot of editorial input), Breaking Dawn was a 180 degree departure in terms of voice, characterization and plot development. Millions of advance copies were sold without anyone realizing what they 'bought' wasn't what was 'advertised.' For me this isn't a matter of whether you like the book or not. Or like the author or not.

Midnight sun stephenie meyer news

New Moon - Stephenie Meyer (2).epub. Gold miner joe apk free download. MIDNIGHT SUN rough draft - Stephenie Meyer.mobi. Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer.pdf. Twilight author Stephenie Meyer revealed that she started working on Midnight Sun again until the Fifty Shades spin-off Grey was announced. Speaking on a panel to promote the 10th Anniversary.

For me it was an issue of a rushed draft put out too early. And because she sold it - she should defend it. Right or wrong. The problem is she keeps defending in using contradictory statements - hence my suggestion she drop out of the limelight and regroup. Or at least get some PR advice. It is fiction.

But it's also a commercial property. I was at a great literary festival a few months back. One of the authors reminded the audience that - once released - your characters don't belong to you any more. That's part of the joy and the pitfall of publishing. Had BD been a stand-alone (like the HOST) it wouldn't have garnered so much commentary. Because it came on the heels of three existing installments - it left her 'exposed.'

Still - Despite her problems, I think the fact that someone else released her work in this manner is reprehensible and mean-spirited. Perhaps I'm not in a good mood, Harriet, but this statement seems a bit outrageous.

Obviously, SM liked the book or she wouldn't have written it. Obviously, her editors liked the book well enough (or the possiblity of making $ off of it) enough to publish it. Did I love it? Nope, I didn't. But to act like an author has to 'DEFEND' her book because you didn't like it is a little absurd to me. If she liked it what is there to defend? Does every author now have to face a firing squad of relentless questions?

Why and to what end? It's not going to make anyone like the book more, watching her squirm, is it? It is a consumer's job to flip through a book and see if it's something they might like. Or wait until they read some reviews to make a decision to spend their hard-earned cash on it. They are paying for the author's vision of the book -- it's unreasonable to expect an author to read a specific consumer's mind and write to please them. That there were many problems with the book is beside the point.

Stepping off my snark box now.:D. We're big girls. In this case the publishers promoted and marketed something different than what was eventually sold.

It's like expecting Cinderalla's ball gown and getting repurposed jeans in your bag. The fan base is huge and she hit #1 before the book was on the shelf. So there was no time to review the work in advance. Girls (and in our town, grown women) stood in line at midnight to get their pre-paid copies. In order to get into the early 'pool' for the book signing for Host you had to preorder BD When the reviews came out negative SM could have just sloughed it off (like most authors).

You don't see other authors going out on a post-review media blitz to counter the negative comments the way she is. And as the negative responses increased, so did the media's need to do more interviews (MTV, 10-part interview on EW, a bizarre interview with the Wall Street Journal, etc.) (Although somewhere else on these boards someone posted a funny YouTube video from an author who got negative reviews - done by the author). As I read some of the other boards - the comment that seemed to touch off the BD firestorm was 'The Rob Effect.' Even many fans saw it as condescending.

She said if people read her work again they would love it. Then Publishers Weekly printed an editorial claiming that the problem was teen-aged girls, unrealistic expectations and 'caveat emptor' and got skewered by grown women and subscribers. If you watch any reality show - you know people have to defend their work. They know the minute they appear in front of the camera that is the 'game.' She's done three books, so this isn't news to her. Do I think most authors do - or should defend their work?