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Untuk membuatkan obat dalam bentuk sediaan tertentu dan menyerahkannya kepada pasien. Melalui komputer, Sumber informasi dari industri farmasi, dan informasi lisan. Writing prescriptions should be written clearly, so that it can be read. Full Text: PDF.

ABSTRAK Manitol merupakan salah satu jenis gula yang biasa digunakan sebagai pengisi tablet. Rock manager no cd crack. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh manitol sebagai pengisi terhadap sifat fisik tablet antasida. Tablet antasida dibuat menggunakan metode granulasi basah. Tablet dibuat tiga formula dengan konsentrasi manitol sebagai berikut: F I (11,70%), F II (8,12%), dan F III (4,23%). Granul diuji waktu alir granul. Tablet diuji sifat fisik meliputi keseragaman bobot, kekerasan tablet, kerapuhan, dan waktu hancur tablet. Data dianalisis dengan metode statistik ANOVA satu arah.

Hasil menunjukan bahwa semakin besar konsentrasi manitol menyebabkan waktu alir granul semakin lama, tablet semakin keras, waktu hancur tablet semakin lama, kerapuhan tablet semakin kecil, dan keseragaman bobot tablet memenuhi persyaratan keseragaman bobot tablet menurut Farmakope Indonesia edisi III. Kata Kunci: Manitol, Laktosa, Pengisi, Tablet Antasida, Sifat Fisik Tablet. ABSTRACT Mannitol is kind of poliol (alcohol sugar) which usualy used as tablet filler. The aim of this research is to know how the effect of mannitol as filler toward antacides tablet. Antacides tablet is made by wet granulation method, by mean in three formulas which relied on by different of diluent mannitol and laktosa, that is: F I (11,70%), F II (8,12%), dan F III (4,23%). Granule which were yielded were tested physically that flow rates there physically properties covering weight variation, the hardness, the friability, and the disintegration. The data were analized by statistic ANOVA one way method.

The result of physicall properties of antacide tablet showed that the increasing of mannitol concentration the longer of granule flow rate, more in hardness, longer in disintegration time, smaller in friability, and the weight variation of tablet needs the requirement of the weight variation in Farmakope Indonesia 3rd edition. Key Word: Mannitol, Lactoce, The Filler, Antacide Tablet, Tablet Physically Properties. Ansel, H.C., 1989. Pengantar Bentuk Sediaan Farmasi (Terjemahan) Farida Ibrahim, Edisi Empat. Jakarta: UI Press. Hal 282, 224, 225, 256, 263, 266, 269, 282 Depkes RI. Farmakope Indonesia, Edisi III.


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Lachman, L., Liberman, H.A., Kanig, J.L., 1994, Teori dan Praktek Farmasi Industri. (Terjemahan) Siti Suyatmi. Jakarta: UI Press. Hal 267, 383, 387, 657, 681, 685,687, 698, 699, 700, 702, 707, 712, Lieberman, dkk. Pharmaceutical Dosage Form: Disperse System, 3rd Edition., New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Hal 267 Nur, I.F.A, 2009. Formulasi Sediaan Tablet Hisap Ekstrak Etanol Kelopak Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa, L) dengan Variasi Kadar Manitol.

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